Privacy Policy

At Anavo Financial Institute, we take your privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and retain personal information. Anavo customers can make choices about how their personal information may be shared, and we encourage you to make choices that enable us to provide you with quality products and services that help you meet your financial needs. By interacting with our website, products, and services, you agree to the terms described below:

1.  Data Collection and Consent: When you (voluntarily) provide us with personal information, you consent to its collection, use, and retention under this policy. We respect your right to withdraw consent, subject to legal or contractual restrictions.

2.  Data Controller: For purposes of data protection law (including the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation (NDPR)), we are the data controller. We determine the purpose and use of your personal information.

3.  Types of Personal Information Collected: We collect various types of personal information, including:
     a. Contact Information: Names, addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers.
     b. Business Contact Information: Business-related details for communication.
     c. Account Information: Usernames, preferences, and account details.
     d. Payment Information: Payment card numbers, bank account details, and financial data.
     e. Financial Aid Application Information: Relevant details for financial aid processing.
     f. Course and Enrollment Information: Registration details and attendance records.

4.  Purpose and Use: We use personal information for legitimate purposes, such as providing services, improving user experience, and complying with legal obligations.Transparency is our priority, and we ensure that data usage aligns with our mission.

5.  Security Measures: We implement robust security measures to protect your personal information. Encryption, secure servers, and access controls safeguard your data.

6.  Third Parties: We may share data with trusted third parties (e.g., analytics providers) for specific purposes. Our commitment to privacy extends to these partners.

7.  User Rights: You have rights regarding your personal information, including access, correction, and deletion. We respect your choices and facilitate these rights.

8.  Contact Us: If you have any privacy-related queries, please reach out to us at

At Anavo Financial Institute, your trust matters, and we strive to always protect your privacy.